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Information Technology and Ethical Issues
- Definition of Information Technology/Information Communications Technology
"the production, storage and communication of information using computers and microelectronics" (Collins Shorter English Dictionary).
- Definition of IT:
as defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), as "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems particularly software applications and computer hardware" (, n.d.).
This kind of technology is prevalent in our society as it is seen as a "universal tool (Bynum & Rogerson) which influences our society in how we go about our life in terms of; banking, commerence, emplloyment, medicine, transportation, entertainment, family life, and education (Bynum & Rogerson). Currently IT is a common place for the developed world. It is seen in all aspects of life - from scoialisng to developing the economy through more efficent businesses. Without IT our efficiency in performing tasks and activities of daily living; ie cooking and cleaning would definitely decrease. This is because we all depend so much on technology in our occupations. However technology has allowed us to spend shorter amounts of time on activities that were once tedious, ie whashing clothes and dishes by hand. Now days we have machines that wash for us. In terms of IT; computers have allowed us to store loads of information in one place and efficent access of near infinite information via the internet.
- How is this form of technology prevalent in our society? How common place has it become?
Human societies, especially western societies have been one of knowledge and communication of information via technology. Information produced is displayed in a number of ways on the internet, from network websites to advertisements posts. The internet has become unlimited, endless, and a very common place in households. Most homes have more than not computer. People now study information technology.
- IT devices/systems I feel comfortable and competent using:
- Basic computer programmes, Microsoft word
- Internet; websites- facebook, hotmail, google, youtube
- cell phone; text, ring, take photos, store information
- TV and dvd players
- digital cameras
- IT is used in Occupational Therapy practice:
- Laps and computers are used to type up reports, access information from the interent in relation to the OT setting, communication between therapist, management, other professionals and sometimes clients, to organise the plan for the week and to store information.
- Ethical Implications that arise from the capturing, sharing and transferring of information via IT devices (eg. mobile phones) or systems (eg. internet):
There has been many ethical implications that have arisen from capturing, sharing and transfering information via IT devices. The ease and efficiency of accessing information like the information on social networks; ie facebook (, bebo (, and twitter ( Because technology is logical and malleable it is always being shaped and up graded to perform new tasks, therefore ICT can perform nearly any task (Bynum & Rogerson). Meaning that although we have put up security walls on our websites that store our private and personal information, there is or will be a technology created that can hack into our website/s. It is aid that 'privacy is vital to human self-identity and autonomy (Bynum & Rogerson). However the rate ICT is evolving our large world that our ancestors had privacy in, is no more and now we are experiencing a world that is getting smaller and smaller as our technology develops. It is easier than ever to travel, access nformation and communicate with those on the other side of the world.
- Definition of Computer Ethics:
Privacy, the "control over person information (Westin, 1967) and restricted access are topics of debate when considering coputer ethics. With the increase in transferring and holding person information, many countries including New Zealand have developed and implimented ethics into their computer courses through universities and polytechnics. Computer ethics are defined as the rules and standards governing the conduct of individuals with computers..concerning copyright, privacy and censorship (
- Definition of Intellectual Property:
Intellectual property are legal property rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial, and the corresponding fields of law. Under intellectual property law; owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works, ideas, discoveries and inventions; and words phrases, symbols and designs. Common types of intellectual property include; copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets (
- Definition of Social Justice:
Is given given everyone equal rights, activities and opportunities, ie "business, education, medical, and employment opportunities (Bynum & Rogerson). It becomes harder for those that can not access the information technology to benefit from what others are experiencing, their personal development maybe slower. Therefore socal justice in regards to ICT is the development of society's polices and practices "to more fully include people who in the past, have had limited access to computer resources, ie women, those in poverty, elderly, ethnic groups, rural residents, and those living with a disability (Bynum & Rogerson).
- Informed Consent:
Giving legal consent of the participations of a person or event to be involved with onself; whether that is obtaining personal information or preforming a procedure on the person.
- My ow words summarising why a great understanding of ITC and the ethical issues it encompassess will help us in our practice and daily lives:
being better informed aobut ITC and the ethichal issues it encompassess will help us over come the issues and deal with them move effectively in our practice and personal lives.
- ITC development is inevidablle and the best option for all humans is to prepare for the side effects and use the technology for our benefits.
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